Saturday, November 3, 2007

Blog Tagging. Another great way to generate traffic to your blog

I have came across on to this fun new way of generating back links to your site via game. I don't know who came up with this or who started this game but it seems to me the possiblities are endless. The game is called "blog tagging." Here is how you play the game: You find 5 blogs of similar interest or content as yours and then post a comment to them saying " you have been tagged " with a link back to your site. Getting response shouldn't be hard as people like games if there is something in it for them. At your site you have an explanation something along these lines: Blog Tagging. What's It All About? Ok.
Let's say Marlene did this tagging thing with me. She doesn't know either who started the game, but it's a fun and creative way to get links back to your blog. If you get tagged, expect to write a post giving your reasons for blogging, include a link back to the person who tagged you, then tag 5 other bloggers. All you need to do is to get readers to your blog and build friendships. I hope you respond to this tag game. Mentioning their name adds a nice personal touch. You must hyperlink this person's blog in the text of your explanation. This is easily done in the back office of your blog where you edit your posts. When you write the post you will need to click on compose and then highlight the words you want to hyperlink. In this case it is the name Marlene I highlight. Another box will come up where you put in their blog link to their site. Presto! You have followed the rules and finished your explanation of the game.
If you do the math on this you will have a least 25 links to your site for every 5 people you tag. Imagine what would happen if you tagged 2 or 3 people a week for a year. That's right. Hundreds of back links to your site which the seacrh engine will pick up on where people will be able to find your site. It occurs to me one can change the topic of the game too. Instead of it being why you blog it could be " lessons you have learned on the internet " or " favorite hobbies " or " celebrities I don't like " or...well you get my drift. Whatever gets people to respond to your tag. You are limited only by your imagination here. As anything else you will have to spend a little time checking out other blogs and finding people with similar blog topics as yours.
I don't need to mention blog traffic exchanges but just in case you don't know about them blogsoldiers is a good place to start. There are many others though. Spend some time with Blogger or Wordpress reading other blogs. It's all about community isn't it? I did a little research on the internet to see if anyone had written an article about this game. I couldn't find much. It may be absolutely new and fresh. You may want to start your own tag game now to create mass traffic at your blog or even your webpage. Happy blog tagging. I invite your comments and opinions on this topic

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